Finally. Avionics with a forward-compatible architecture and easy-to-learn, intuitive interface engineered to save your business money now, and in the future. Avidyne’s FMS/LPV ADS-B upgrade solution is the most affordable, premium flight management system for your aircraft.
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To download the Approved Model list (AML) for Part 25 aircraft click here. Multiple other installs complete with field approvals.
Designed to Keep Your Flights Running
Ground operations can be intense… But once in the air, flights should be calm, safe, and predictable. Avidyne’s IFD FMS/NAV/COM are easy-to-use, pilot-centric designs that maximize flight deck capabilities and let a pilot do what they do best – fly.

GLAS™ Technology
GPS Legacy Avionics Support (GLAS™) is the fastest, least expensive way to add LPV to EFIS aircraft. GLAS™ enables pre-WAAS EFIS flight decks to fly GPS approaches with vertical guidance and integrates with most legacy EFIS flight decks. With Avidyne IFD GLAS™ technology installed, you’ll have ADS-B position data and the quickest and most functional way to add LPV capability to your legacy EFIS aircraft.

FOQA Flight Data Analysis
Requiring only a smart device, FOQA Flight Data Analysis evaluates pilot performance identifying high-risk behaviours so corrective training can be implemented before there’s an incident.
Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) flight data analysis capability is integrated in all Avidyne IFD Series, ATLAS™ and HELIOS™ FMS/GPS navigators providing flight data analysis and flight data monitoring, improving pilot performance and safety.
IFD Series Trainer
You wouldn’t buy an aircraft before a test flight would you? That’s just one of the reasons Avidyne created the IFD Trainer.*
Now you can virtually “take a flight”, introduce yourself to the interface, and experience all the technology Avidyne built into the IFD series. Experience the Hybrid touchscreen and the knobs and buttons.
*Only available on iPad
Avidyne ATLAS ™ is a new multifunction SBAS flight management system that sets a new standard for integration in turbine class navigation systems. The ATLAS FMS provides full Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Area Navigation (RNAV) capability, including Localizer Performance with Vertical (LPV), Lateral Navigation/Vertical Navigation (LNAV/VNAV), LNAV-Only, and Approach Procedures with Vertical (APV) approach modes.

Flight Display System Solutions

Surveillance Solutions

Tablet Application Solutions

AutoPilot Solutions

Audio Panel Solutions
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