“Avidyne develops innovative and intuitive avionics systems that make the experience of flight easier, safer, and more enjoyable. We value the voice of the customer and focus significant investments in process improvements continually striving for the highest quality and safety in all that we do. Because of this constant effort, Avidyne was awarded with the International Aerospace AS9100D Certification in 2019. “

Dan Schwinn, President & CEO


We make flying simpler, more safe and accessible.


At Avidyne, we provide products and services with the highest quality, safety, and reliability. Our goal is to add value to the flying experience through continuous improvement in the quality of our products and processes.


AS9100D Certificate
FAA 14CFR145 Repair Station
EASA Certificate
EASA Certification
Reach Declaration Certificate
REACH Declaration of Conformity
UK CAA PART 145 Certificate
UK CAA PART 145 Certification


Avidyne Corporation supports the goals expressed by Congress in enacting Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: preventing armed groups from benefitting from the sourcing of Conflict Minerals (which are limited to tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold) in the region of the Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries. The U.S. Secretary of State may or may not expand this list of derivatives in the future.

Avidyne Corporation is committed to comply with reporting requirements by Section 1502 and SEC Rules. Our suppliers, in turn, are being required to conduct the same inquiry with their own suppliers.

Avidyne Corporation is committed not to purchase raw materials, subassemblies or supplies which we know contain conflict minerals. We do not directly source minerals from mines in the DRC or elsewhere, and our supply chain for these metals encourage our direct suppliers to cooperate with these efforts.

Conflict Minerals Report revision 6.4 April 26, 2024
Conflict Minerals Reporting Template